Global Peace and Security

Towards global peace and security through cooperation and dialogue.

Dr. Alexandra Sitenko

Independent Political analyst and Researcher based in Berlin. I offer analysis, research and consultig related to: geopolitics, global peace and security order, strategic partnerships in foreign policy. Regional focus: Latin America, post-Soviet Eurasia. Working languages: German, English, Russian, Spanish, Portuguese.


Key Topics

Global Order

Latin America and Global South

  • Reactions from Latin America and Global South to Russia's aggression against Ukraine

  • Relations between Latin America/Global South and Russia

  • History of Latin American-Russian relations

    Upcoming publication: "Latin America-Russia relations: The war in Ukraine as a turning point?" for Routledge Book Trends in Latin American International Relations: Shifting Alliances in the New World (Dis)Order

    New publication: Russia and the Global South in the new world (dis)order

Post-Soviet Eurasia

  • Geopolitics of post-Soviet Eurasia

  • The impact of the war in Ukraine on CIS, in particular Central Asia

  • Central Asia in global politics

    Latest project: Curator for Politics for the science and discussion platform, introducing research and political controversies on Russia's war against Ukraine as well as its effects on global affairs to a broader audience. The channel was focused on Ukraine itself, the international system and the actor Russia

    Recent article: Central Asian states are stepping up their game

    Aktuelle Publikation: Zentralasien in der globalen Sicherheitsarchitektur